What's your Dosha?
Each person is their own unique and beautiful combination of the three doshas. Some people have a clear dominant constitution. In others, two doshas may play strong roles, while some may not have an obvious doshic dominance in their current state or phase of life . Whatever your current state & dominant dosha, plant powered living & Ayurvedic practices can be used to find balance.
Light, airy, open-minded and constantly jumping from one idea to the next. You may be prone to feeling "wired" for a short period of time followed by the dreaded midday crash.
Those with a Vata constitution thrive in routine and when balanced are very creative, energetic, kind & calm. Typically, Vata is quick to learn a new task & can jungle a lot when in balance. But when out of balance, they can seem lost in their own world.
They tend to be physically smaller. Think very tall and thin or overall petite with fine bone structure. They are prone to poor circulation, feeling cold easily & have sensitive GI Systems.
The biggest challenges for Vata seem to be managing energy, maintaining a schedule, a calm mind, combatting anxiety & staying focused.
In Ayurveda, the main rule of thumb to follow is "like attracts like" but "opposites create balance". Balance can be found by working with Vata’s best attributes and keeping the pitfalls away. Vata qualities are cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious.
So in order to balance the Vata dosha, we want foods that are warm, moist, soft foods. Think warm, butternut squash soup and spiced warming breakfast bowl. Nourishing with balancing foods while following a regular schedule for nourishment, hydration and movement & effort will enable Vata to flourish with ease.
You bring the heat, both literally and figuratively. Determined, competitive, ambitious and highly intelligent, with a strong digestion and glowing skin. You may be a bit of a perfectionist, self-critical, susceptible to skin irritation + sunburns and heartburn.
Those with a Pitta constitution have an athletic build, gaining and losing weight easily. When balanced, they are very charismatic, focused, energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. When out of balance, they are quick to anger, suffer from inflammation and a GI tract that works almost a little too good. Their hands and feet are never cold, even in winter. Pitta thrive in the cold and crave anything that will cool down their inner heat. In fact, Pitta is prone to overheat and get edgy when temperatures rise inside or out.
The biggest challenges for Pitta seem to be taking the time to slow down, stay present and avoid burning themselves out. Balancing their temperature and the internal fire can also be a challenge for Pitta.
In Ayurveda, the main rule of thumb to follow is "like attracts like" but "opposites create balance". Balance can be found by working with Pitta’s best attributes and keeping the pitfalls away. Some of Pitta's qualities are sharp, hot, light, moist and liquid.
So in order to balance excess pitta, we want foods that are cooling, hydrating, and light. Think big leafy salads, refreshing & light smoothies and lots of hydrating fluids.
Nourishing with balancing foods while following a regular schedule for nourishment, hydration and movement & effort will enable Pitta to flourish with ease.

You enjoy a Loving, grounded and calming constitution. You are tranquil, stable, very patient, sympathetic and affectionate. Kaphas work carefully, albeit slowly and have an amazing long-term memory. Excess Kapha can cause lethargy, lack of motivation, heaviness in the mind and body, and the feeling like you can never get enough sleep.
Physically, those with a Kapha constitution are typically curvy, with solid frames, smooth skin, few wrinkles and strong luscious hair. When out of balance, they are prone to depression, have a tendency to withdraw from life, put on weight quickly but have a hard time losing it, have a sluggish digestive system and crave sweet + fatty foods.
The biggest challenges for Kapha dosha stems from their tendency to be worn down by everyday life leaving them isolated and struggle to move forward or make decisions. They can become overly-contemplative, bored and fall down the rabbit hole of cravings.
People with a Kapha dosha need to stimulate their metabolism and require mainly warm, cooked meals that are light and easy to digest.
Kapha needs steady stimulation and daily exercise. Once they get the ball rolling, their exceptional endurance and strength allows them to pursue any objective they set their mind to with patience and tenacity until they achieve their goal.
Kapha qualities are cold, moist, heavy, dull, static, smooth, dense, oily and soft, and sweet, sour and salty in taste.
Foods that get them moving, promote forward energy & enhance internal fire are great for Kapha. Think spicy, acidic, and filling foods (e.g., most fruits and vegetables, whole grains, eggs, unprocessed meats, hot spices).
Nourishing with balancing foods while following a regular schedule for nourishment, hydration and movement & effort will enable Kapha to flourish with ease.
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