PURPOSE & PLANTS, the lifestyle
Our Founder & Alchemist is so excited to share her new passion project. Chelsea has partnered with Dr. Yolanda Rivera-Caudill, a lifestyle pediatrician, to offer a whole new level of wellness. They have created a series of educational experiences and workshop that merge each partner's unique expertise. Together they have nearly four decades of experience.
Dr. Rivera-Caudill's changes in diet and mindfulness had such a transformative impact on her life that she had made it her mission to share her plant-forward whole health approach to wellness.
Chelsea, our founder & the Alchemist-Untamed, has been plant forward for nearly two decades and never felt better. Her personal journey of learning to master her ADHD brain through movement, mindfulness & plant forward life has led her to go beyond the Bar into creating a greater impact through educating in this lifestyle. As a mothers, athlete, entrepreneurs and youth leader, Chelsea's experience and community connections have led her to create a unique roadmap for wellness success for busy brain & those looking to improve their whole health.
These passion driven women and their family grown team (this is a mother daughter project!) have so much to share to make your life happier & healthier. If you are ready master your mind & your health with the Plant & Purpose team, this is for you. Learn about the workshop, education and customized programs at their website. https://purposeandplants.com/